Mickey Mouse Clubhouse LOST EP!

The episode started with Mickey walking out of his clubhouse, but with

hyper-realistic blood gushing from his ears mixed with hairy green wax.

Then Minnie came out and screamed bloody murder while singing sexbomb. Mortimer mouse popped out of her vagina and yelled, "666 IS NEAR, PULL OUT YOUR GUNS!"
The scene cut to Goofy on the toilet smoking pot and listening to Snoop Dogg. Just then, his skin rotted off with hyper realism you've never seen and the camera panned out to show that he was on a ship made out of dry skin sailing in a pus ocean. The words "SATAN IS COMING FOR UOU" in comic sans font! Spooky!!1
donald dcuk sene began with Donald violently beating Daisy with a belt while swearing harsh vile words never used on the show.
"I'll fucking show you who licks MY taint you idiot!" he yelled, and Mortimer drove up in a Four door sedan and ran over the ducks. The car was covered in feces and painted green. Mortimer was wearing a green tunic and chanting creepily.
"Ah aeh om, ah aeh om..........Come, 666th spirits of hell! Kill all with your deshabille power!"
The screen faded to a black screen with the words, "Happy Birthday Satan."
This episode aired June 6, 2006 and was never aired again because of its violent themes and satanic references.